“And did those feet…
By ‘Brooksy’ and Ted Baillieu
As another winter approaches let us remember the Icebergers who have left us to swim… Lyrics by Ted Baillieu.
And did those feet in ancient times
walk upon Brighton's bravest pier,
And did the holy speedo god
in Brighton's freezing water cheer,
And did his countenance bovine shine
forth upon those ageing crocks,
And was icebergery founded here
around these dark volcanic rocks,
Bring me my cap & rubber-hood,
Bring me my budgies of desire,
Bring me my gear, I'm feeling good,
Bring me the sauna and then fire,
I will not cease through wind or wave,
nor shall the cold hold any fear,
Till we have swum all temperatures
in Brighton's winter water clear.